在Portfolio Management中,Risk Aversion的概念非常重要。大家不僅要掌握它的定義,還要掌握圖示,如果考試給你一條曲線讓你判斷它代表的是風險厭惡還是風險偏好,大家要能選得出來。
【高頻考點】Risk Aversion
原版書中給出了一個選擇題:Assume that an individual is offered two alternatives: one where he will get £50 for sure and the other is a gamble with a 50 percent chance that he gets £100 and 50 percent chance that he gets nothing. The expected value in both cases is £50, one with certainty and the other with uncertainty.
Risk Seeking
If an investor chooses the gamble, then the investor is said to be risk loving or risk seeking.風險偏好的人會選擇高風險高收益的方案。
Risk Neutral
If an investor is indifferent about the gamble or the guaranteed outcome, then the investor may be risk neutral.兩種方案對于風險中性的人來說沒有差別。
Risk Averse
If an investor chooses the guaranteed outcome, he/she is said to be risk averse because the investor does not want to take the chance of not getting anything at all.風險厭惡的人會選擇收益小風險小的方案。
Risk Aversion的概念不難,所以通常不會直接考,上圖的考察比例更高,大家一定要熟記!
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